Motor Vehicle Accidents
Workers' Compensation
Motor Vehicle Accident Cases
Did you know that there are roughly 200,000 motor vehicle accidents in California daily that result in injury? In 2021, LA County had a total of 40,669 motor vehicle crashes. No matter how big or small, if someone else’s negligence has damaged your vehicle and/or caused you bodily harm, you deserve legal representation!
You don’t know heavy traffic until you’ve traveled through Los Angeles. Our roadways are getting busier by the day, resulting in more and more motor vehicle accidents. It’s not if you’ll be in a car crash but when. Here are a few things to keep in mind the next time you’re behind the wheel.
What are the Common Causes of Motor Vehicle Accidents?
Our LA streets are busy, and with traffic jams piling up daily, you’ll inevitably see damaged vehicles along your route. What is typically the cause?
Distracted Driving
Drunk Driving
Aggressive Driving/Road Rage
Ignoring Traffic Signs
Fatigued Driving
And More
To prevent causing an accident, we recommend avoiding distractions such as texting on your phone, maintaining the speed limit, staying calm, and ensuring you are mentally capable of going from point A to point B. In 2021, 32% of motor vehicle accidents were rear-ended collisions, meaning drivers had lost focus behind the wheel!
What are Common Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries?
Motor vehicle accidents can vary in severity from a minor fender bender to ones that cause serious injury resulting in being out of work for days, months, or even years. Injuries common to accident victims are:
Whiplash/Neck Injuries
Back/Spinal Cord Injuries
Broken Bones
Internal Bleeding
Emotional Pain
After an accident, no matter how you think you feel, you should always seek medical assistance to ensure you’re okay. Some injuries may not be evident from the start.
What To Do And What NOT To Do After An Accident
When involved in an accident, it’s vital that you know what to do and what not to do; this will keep you safe and ensure your rights are protected.
While on the scene, if capable, you should move to a safe location and call 911. Then, write down witness information, take photos and videos of the scene, call your lawyer and tell the officers everything that happened.
Do NOT even suggest that you are at fault or apologize, delay medical treatment, speak with ANY insurance companies, or accept a settlement offer. The last two will be things your lawyer handles for you!
What Types of Compensation are You Entitled to?
Motor vehicle accidents have long-term implications and affect more than a bump or scrap to yourself and your vehicle, which is why you are eligible for compensation for the following:
Medical Bills
Property Damage
Pain and Suffering
Lost Wages