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Workers' Compensation

Slip & Fall Cases

Accidents involving slipping and falling often occur in public places, whether due to carelessness or poor maintenance of a sidewalk or other public areas. The phrase "slip and fall" describes any circumstance where a person trips, slips, or falls on an unsafe or uneven surface and suffers harm.


Our attorneys demand that the responsible party pay for any expenses connected to any of the following conditions that can be linked to a slip-and-fall accident:


  • Cracked or broken bones

  • Internal organ damage

  • Internal bleeding

  • Deep puncture wounds

  • Head injury

California Slip & Fall Laws

You have two years from the date of the incident to submit a claim in California if you have a serious injury in a slip and fall accident that was caused by the negligence of another party. You must demonstrate that the owner of the property has a duty to keep the area safe in order to establish negligence in a Los Angeles slip and fall lawsuit.

Common Places For Slip & Fall Accidents To Occur

Although slip and fall incidents can occur anywhere at any time, the following locations are where we most frequently encounter these mishaps:


  • Escalators

  • Elevators

  • Restaurants

  • Grocery stores

  • Malls

  • Swimming pools

  • Other places of business

  • Job sites

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Slip & Fall Accidents?

  • Uneven floors or sidewalks

  • Floor deterioration

  • Wet floors

  • Environmental factors, such as rain or snow

  • Unsafe ladders

  • Shaky stairs

  • Inadequate safety procedures

  • Steps with loose carpeting, rugs, or matting

  • Insufficiently cleaned-up liquids

  • Substances on the floor such as grease, oil, or others

Who Is Responsible For Slip & Fall Accidents?

If you trip, fall, or slip on someone else's property or place of business and the incident was brought on by the owner, manager, or other accountable party's negligence, they may be held responsible for your injuries.


When proving liability, some questions to consider are:


  • Was the property owner aware of the potentially dangerous situation but did not take appropriate action?

  • Was your accident caused by a spill, an uneven surface, or another issue the property owner or manager was responsible for?


Our experts are accessible to respond to any queries you may have if you want to seek legal advice. We will address any questions or concerns regarding the legal procedure and your entitlement to compensation so you can fully comprehend the specifics of your case.

Can I Sue If I Slip & Fall On Someone's Property?

If a property owner, lessee, or another person in control of a property knew about or ought to have known about a hazardous condition and failed to repair it, they would be responsible for any injuries you sustained as a result. The same applies if they created a dangerous situation and didn't fix it.


Examples of hazardous conditions include:


  • Spills in grocery store aisles

  • A construction site that isn't adequately roped off

  • Electrical cords running across a floor where customers walk

  • Broken or uneven flooring

  • Broken stairs

  • Damaged or missing stairwell railings

Compensation For A Slip & Fall Accident

Your claim for a slip and fall may be worth far more than you realize. According to California law, some of the components of your settlement or verdict might be:


  • Future and current medical bills.

  • Losses from past, current, and future employment

  • Out-of-pocket costs associated with your accident (such as child care while you are in the hospital)

  • Such non-economic damages include pain, emotional pain, and others

  • Punitive cases (only in situations when the defendant's behavior was especially heinous)

  • Damages for wrongful deaths (for close relatives if the victim dies from his injuries)


Even though it is inherently difficult to quantify pain and suffering and other intangible costs, they frequently exceed the sum of all medical expenses. In cases of severe slip and fall injuries, total settlements in the six to seven-figure range are not all that uncommon.

What To Do After A Slip & Fall Accident?

Do not wait to get medical help if you have been hurt in a slip-and-fall accident. If possible, you should also:



  • Report the incident to the building's owner or store management.

  • Take pictures of the place where you fell and any objects that may have caused you to stumble. ( Boxes blocking an aisle or a lack of signage close to a spill.)

  • Check to see if anyone saw you fall. Ask for their names, contact information, and addresses.

  • When speaking with any employee, get their name and position.

  • Fill out an accident report if required to do so. Writing down every detail while it's still fresh in your mind is important. Request a copy of it.

  • Verify whether there are any cameras. Your slip and fall attorney may request any footage relevant to your case.

Abstract Architecture

Disclaimer: The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.


© 2023 Dash & Port, LLP Injury Attorneys.

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